N.O.I. - The first recreational club for the italo-canadian elderly in Montreal

Community development for the elderly

In the fall of 1972, Franco Gucciardo entertained discussions with the Allied Jewish Community Services, specifically about the elderly, which opened a new area of social involvement in support of the "Golden Age"  population.  Health and Welfare Canada initiated the New Horizons program to help the community organize and develop a variety of projects in support of their objectives to help the elderly.  The example and guidance of the AJCS helped COPRAS in its promotion efforts for similar initiatives for the Italian community.
The initial steps leading to a New Horizons project were taken at Our Lady of Pompei parish; this, because the COPRAS offices were located there and COPRAS could count on additional support from parishioners.

Franco Gucciardo and Monique Begin, Member of Parliament for St-Michel, shared thoughts on how to help the elderly.

The following documents provide a chronological (historical) account of the creation of the first "circolo ricreativo per anziani" i.e. golden age club that was to be supported by the New Horizons program.
In this area, the objective for COPRAS was to organize groups of elderly and help them to be autonomous and involved.

The initial project for the elderly of St-Michel

Discussions with New Horizons program officers led N.O.I. to revise with COPRAS' help the proposed project

Conscious of the longer term requirements of the aging population COPRAS produced studies and published reports on the italo-canadian elderly and discussed with government officials and local organizations the results.
Private residences for the elderly were also evaluated by COPRAS in view of proposing a housing project specific to the Italian needs and customs.  Villa Mont-Royal in TMR was one residence assessed by COPRAS with which a relationship was established for future collaboration.

Towards a Home for the italo-canadian elderly

...and then came Foyer Dante.